WeLoveBTC.com review


WeLoveBTC is a shiny new, big paying faucet from the WeLoveBTC network! WeLoveBTC is the big brother of JewelryBitco.in – offering very reasonable hourly payouts of 300 (50%) 400 (50%), 500 (35%) 600 (30%) and 700 (15%) 800 (20%) satoshi! – UPDATED![​IMG]

These faucets are some of the best of 2015 so far, offering dual-payout options – to either Microwallet or Faucetbox, no cashout limits and solid payouts!

c87fcbece3acfb37ca49486794b11d8bThis is a really neat feature that many other faucets will imitate with time! WeLoveBTC benefits from a keyboard-free captcha system that means even the laziest among you will be happy!

weluvAs with the sister-site JewelryBitco.in you are entered into the lottery – here it’s a HUGE 75,000 satoshiUPDATED – thanks for the heads up guys!!! We love WeLoveBTC and we hope that you guys love it too! Get involved now!



JewelryBitco.in review


As 2015 rolls on, the faucet landscape is changing drastically! Gone are the ugly interfaces – users are demanding smooth, slick sites with-out annoying pop-up ads and with varied options for payout.

Ladies and gents allow me to introduce the amazing JewelryBitco.in! This cool little faucet features a keyboard-free AreYouAHuman captcha system, and payouts of 200 300 (50%), 300 500 (30%) and 500 700 satoshis (20%) every 30 minutes! – PRIZES UPDATED 26 Jan!

JewelryBitco.in is brought to you by the team over at the WeLoveFaucets network (@welovefaucet for you Twitter peeps!) who are a friendly, transparent site that includes the soon-to-be-reviewed WeLoveBTC faucet! Check the blog out!

jewClaiming on JewelryBitco.in is a really easy, enjoyable experience and the faucet pays out to either Microwallet or Faucetbox – a cool feature that means you can choose to ‘flush’ your satoshi into whichever microwallet service you need to push to payout!

Each JewelryBitco.in claim gives you an entry into a lottery to win 50,000 satoshi (UPDATED! Thanks to the @welovefaucet team for letting me know!!) – a cool bonus for a lucky clicker!

JewelryBitco.in could be trusted with the Queen’s jewels – we wish them all the best in 2015!



Faucetbox : The New Kid on the Block(chain)


Faucetbox is a great new microwallet service, formed recently in the midst of the uncertainty surrounding Microwallet. The service is definitely a step forward, although the most immediately apparent drawback is the comparatively higher minimum withdrawal limit – currently 13000 satoshi, more than twice Microwallet‘s minimum of 5825.

Faucetbox offers a much richer experience than the humble Microwallet – with sleek colour displaying detailed statistics of payments from faucets and an estimated payment time your earnings, as well as and any from your referrals. The service also supports multiple crypto-currencies in addition to Bitcoin, namely Litecoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin and Primecoin.

Takeup has been slow for the service, although it will no doubt be a strong contender in the microwallet sector for years to come. I will be making a followup post on some of the best Faucetbox faucets that exist at present and some tips on getting the most out of it!

What is a bitcoin and what are faucets?


Welcome to the Faucet Runner!

This site aims to provide visitors with the best information, tips and strategies to help them learn, and earn their first coins! To get the newbies from Beer Money and elsewhere started, here’s a bit of jargon busting:

What bitcoin/cryptocurrency?
You probably shouldn’t be asking that if you found this page, but no problem! A bitcoin is a unit of digital cryptocurrency; and cryptocurrency is a cryptographic medium of exchange..!

What are the units of currency I need to be concerned with?

  • 0.00000001 Satoshi
  • 0.00000100 uBTC/microbit
  • 0.00001000 Kilobit
  • 0.00100000 mBTC/millibit
  • 0.01000000 Bitcent
  • 1.00000000 Bitcoin

Most bitcoin faucets issue in satoshi, a sub-unit of bitcoin named after the founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. The satoshi is the smallest possible unit of bitcoin. $0.01c is worth 2200 satoshi (2.2 Kilobits) at the time of writing.

What are faucets?
Faucets are websites that pay visitors a small amount of cryptocurrency, on a fixed time, from 2 minutes, to 24 hours. The amount, and frequency you can claim depends from site to site. They are funded primarily by advertising revenue generated by visitors like me who are happy to exchange their clicking time for bitcoin. Some faucets pay directly to your wallet, while others send them to ‘micro’ wallet services – see below.

The idea of faucets originally was to introduce people to the concept of cryptocurrency with no investment or risk. The first bitcoin faucet was called Faucet Closed, ironically empty now and can be found here. It is interesting to see that all of the last sends appear to be from botted email accounts..

What is a wallet?
A wallet is basically a secure digital holder of your private Bitcoin key. It functions in a similar way to your real wallet – holding cards (or keys) that are linked to your bank account. Multiple keys can be generated, and using more than one key for your various Bitcoin transactions is highly recommended.

Wallets are available in several forms, ranging from the more secure, but harder to setup desktop wallets, to online wallets, and finally mobile wallets. You can find a great in depth article on wallet options here.

Here is a great, to the point video explaining it a bit more and with some key points on further security:

What is a microwallet?
A microwallet is a ‘micro’ version of a bitcoin wallet that collects micro-payments of bitcoin from faucets. Some faucets pay small amounts of satoshi to a microwallet provider such as Microwallet, Faucetbox and ePay. The first time you use a faucet, your account with the microwallet serive is automatically created for you.

Each microwallet has a threshold, usually around 5000 satoshi with ePay and Microwallet, and 10000 satoshi for Faucetbox. These thresholds aim to avoid the mandatory bitcoin network ‘miner’ fees. Once you have accumulated enough satoshi, the microwallet will automatically pay out to your main wallet.

Each individual bitcoin key is linked to its own microwallet, so keeping track of your keys is important!

Can faucet sites scam me?
Generally speaking, no. Your private key is anonymous and it can only receive bitcoin transactions that you authorize. Faucet websites are typically funded by ad revenue, generated by users like you and me who visit their sites. Unlike most websites, users are rewarded for their visits in small amounts of bitcoin. To prevent bots from collecting the coins, a CAPTCHA response is usually required.

Not only does it require money and an air of legitimacy to run a faucet, it also requires regular visitors who are satisfied enough to return, so scamming is highly unlikely.

What are the best faucet sites?
I will touch on the various types, and the best ones in a separate post. One of the overall best places to begin your journey, and the place I began is Land of Bitcoin. It features its own built in faucet, and allows you to rapidly surf over 100 faucets using its handy in-frame browser.

Can I become a millionaire?
No, in short. I am not one of those people who expects a satoshi to be worth $1 in the future, and I won’t speculate on that. It is possible to generate decent amounts with regular, planned ‘runs’ through selected faucets. This blog is all about increasing the efficiency of these runs, and to maximize the coin that you can earn! I am already a satoshi millionaire..